Jump into the pit and immerse yourself in a new chapter in the Five Nights at Freddy’s universe. Oswald wishes his town, and his life, weren’t so boring. That all changes when he explores the ball pit in a rundown pizzeria and finds himself in the past. However, Oswald’s deepest desire will have an unexpected cost…
Experience the heart-pounding adventure of a beloved entry in the Five Nights at Freddy’s franchise, Into the Pit.
Solve satisfying puzzles intertwined with an adrenaline-fueled story.
Immerse yourself in a narrative experience.
Try to save your friends, your family, and your own life.
Uncover secrets that span decades.
Discover different endings.
Escape the clutches of the animatronic creatures wreaking havoc across time.
The game above is a developer build of Five Nights at Freddy’s: Into the Pit. It was accidentally pushed to eshop a few days before launch and has quite a bit of cut content when compared to the final release. This is for preservation purposes only and the game is impossible to complete due to softlocks Night 4. You can extract the files using any switch emulator – CatOnVenus :3
Developer version of Five Nights at Freddy’s: Into the Pit that was released on the Nintendo Switch eShop by mistake on August 7th, 2024. It features many cut features that were removed in the final release
Five Nights At Freddy’s: Into The Pit (Dev5.0.4) NSP
by MegaCat Studios
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