Activation code (password): XDGAME

Enter a zombie-infested area and compete as one of 12 players to become the only survivor – or make a team and fight for survival together. Scavenge for weapons, destroy zombie hives to level up, and combine your advanced parkour mobility with brutal combat skills to outrun, outsmart, and outplay your opponents.
It’s all in, one out in Dying Light: Bad Blood – a fast-paced and gory online game that creatively blends PvP and PvE combat while retaining the core of Dying Light’s iconic gameplay.
Kill the zombies and destroy their hives to collect blood samples and level up your character. Prey on other players, steal their loot, and become the only one to leave the zone alive.
Whether you run for your life, chase another player or race to the evac chopper, it’s your parkour skills that give you an edge over the enemies
Immerse yourself in the blood-soaked FPP combat known from the highly-acclaimed Dying Light, now with greater tactical depth, new moves, and tons of vicious weapons.
Add the element of cooperation to your ruthless fight for survival. Team up with your co-op partner, coordinate your attacks and watch each other’s back to get rid of other teams and evacuate together.

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