250 years ago, humanity was forced to the orbital space colony Pangaea by the subterranean beings known as “Umbrakhs.” Following a crisis in Pangaea, your group is stranded on the conquered planet Tatenia. As Regal, Second Prince of the Empire of Elysium and wielder of the cybernetic materialization implant “Nosferatu,” survive the varied dangers and landscapes surrounding the abandoned capital Tartarus and uncover the mysteries of the Umbrakhs!
Fast-paced combat against challenging enemies.
Varied landscapes bring unique dangers in each area.
Choose from up to 16 different attacks, to chain into a six-hit combo!
A complex story about the mystery of the nocturnal, subterranean species known as “Umbrakhs.”
The “Pixel Game Maker Series” is a series of games created using the action game creation software “Pixel Game Maker MV” that can be enjoyed on the Nintendo Switch™.
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Base Game 230.21 MB
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