Transformers – Revenge of the Fallen is a third-person shooter game inspired by the famous movie of the same name, the game developed by Krome Studios and first released on June 23, 2009. The plot of the game revolves around the persistent battle between two Autobot factions led by Optimus Prime against Megatron’s Decepticons. In this part, Megatron has been revived by his subordinates after the death in the previous one, now with a new conspiracy to invade Earth the rising Decepticons. Optimus Prime and his teammates once again stood up to stop their plot. Join the game, you will be able to choose a lot of his favorite characters. The gameplay of the game is no longer linear as the previous sections, and now you will decide the tasks that you will perform to unfold the story of the game. There are many different game modes including Deathmatch (allowing you to choose any character and fighting with another character), Team Deathmatch (a clash between Autobots vs Decepticons), Control Points (two teams will fight to gain control of specific locations), One Shall Stand (gameplay similar to Team Deathmatch, other than that you must destroy the leader of the enemy faction is Optimus Prime or Megatron).
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