Cash Cow DX is a fast and furious blast from the past with an 80’s inspired arcade experience, released 40 years late…
Holy cow, it’s all about the moooney!
Embark on an udderly moo-velous adventure where you run, jump and slide to rescue Cash
Cow’s riches from the grasp of those sneaky Pig Pockets and reclaim what’s rightfully hers!
Make no mistake – this game is tough as nails!
Are you up for the challenge?
Cash Cow DX features…
– 5 multi-screen levels, bonus stages and many secrets
– player speed selection: normal or turbo (unlockable)
– arcade, speedrun and marathon modes
– local scoreboards, limited to 3-character initials, arcade style
– delightful chiptunes by Vincent Verger aka Tuï
Tough as nails and no continues but you can play until the cows come home!
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Base Game
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