There’s something hiding in the cold of winter. What made your friend disappear? Snow’s begun to fall. Let’s just wait a little bit longer.
Last winter, Simon’s friend disappeared without a trace. There must be a good reason why people leave their mountain towns when snow starts to fall, and Simon wants to know why. Maybe, just maybe his friend is still out there somewhere.
White Eternal is a retro-inspired jRPG with turn-based battles. Lead a party of 4 through the cursed lands of winter and beyond, find allies to help you fight the creatures of the cold, and find a safe haven for all the lost souls you’ll meet. Maybe then you’ll stand a chance against the cursed cold.
•Explore the cursed lands of winter and the countryside of Ardina
•Fight monsters in a turn-based battle mode where character placement matters
•Learn spells and elemental abilities and use them to remove obstacles or to solve puzzles
•Larger-scale battles with up to 16 party members
•Find optional allies and convince them to join you
•Optional dungeons for your support party members
•Over 20 hours of gameplay
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