Journey to the Sinnoh region in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Pokémon Shining Pearl!
Experience a nostalgic story reborn in Pokémon Shining Pearl on Nintendo Switch! Set off on a mystery-filled adventure through the Sinnoh region, as you catch Pokémon, battle against the region’s strongest Pokémon Trainers and uncover the truth behind Team Galactic’s nefarious plans!
Your journey begins when a famous professor researching Pokémon evolution recruits you to travel far and wide across the region to help complete an encyclopaedic record of Pokémon known as a Pokédex.
As a Pokémon Trainer, you’ll meet many people and Pokémon on your travels, including other Trainers looking for a battle! But beware – the shady organization known as Team Galactic are out to make trouble for you at every turn. What could these fashionably-dressed goons be plotting?
Test your abilities as a Trainer by challenging Gym Leaders found across Sinnoh. Each win will bring you one step closer towards a chance to compete for glory in the Pokémon League. Do you have what it takes to become Sinnoh’s next Champion?
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