Action meets RPG as the Pokémon series reaches a new frontier
Get ready for a new kind of grand, Pokémon adventure in Pokémon™ Legends: Arceus, a new game from Game Freak that blends action and exploration with the RPG roots of the Pokémon series.
Explore the Hisui region—the Sinnoh of old
Your adventure takes place in the expansive natural majesty of the Hisui region, where you embark on survey missions from your main base in Jubilife Village. Mount Coronet rises from the center, surrounded on all sides by areas with distinct environments.
Build the region’s first Pokédex
You are tasked with studying Pokémon to complete the region’s first Pokédex. To do this, you’ll need to catch wild Pokémon by sneaking up and throwing a well-aimed Poké Ball™. You can also toss the Poké Ball containing your ally Pokémon near a wild Pokémon to seamlessly enter battle.
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