Fearmonium is a psychedelic metroidvania with an expressive aesthetic where suspense joins together with humor.
You play as a phobia growing inside the confused mind of a teenage boy named Max. Discover a nightmarish world of his consciousness to explore. Get ready for a psychological world teeming with 2D platform exploration, memorable enemies, unique abilities, and incredible hand-drawn art.
Fearmonium poses the important question of whether fear always causes irreparable harm, or whether phobia can change life for the better.
* Metroidvania gameplay with 2D platforming
* Hand-drawn art and frame-by-frame animation
* Comic book style storytelling
* Memorable enemies and abilities
* More than 15 hours of gameplay
* Story written by a Master in psychology
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Base Game 623.93 MB
Catatan: Silakan laporkan tautan yang rusak, mati, salah, atau hilang di bagian komentar, kami akan melakukan yang terbaik untuk memperbaikinya dalam waktu 48 jam. Masukan Anda sangat kami hargai!
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