Originally released in 1992, Cyber Citizen Shockman 3: The princess from another world brings another blast from the past!
After Sonya wins a big prize in the lottery, she and Arnold travel to a tropical southern island to enjoy some well-deserved holidays.
However, paradise soon turns into hell when a strange spaceship appears all of a sudden and starts attacking the city.
Unable to just sit around and do nothing while chaos unfolds, Arnold and Sonya transform into Shockman and head to battle this new mysterious enemy!
* Play through a big variety of stages that include platform stages as well as scrolling shooting stages
* Fight powerful bosses alone or with a friend with the 2-player mode
* Brand new English translation plus original Japanese text
* Image gallery from hand-made scans
* Handy emulation features such us rewind/forward, save states and crt filters
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