You have fallen in love with a mysterious woman and, although you sense something sinister behind it, love is like that. Conquer her heart by answering her questions truthfully.
It’s impossible not to be eclipsed by a mysterious woman and, although she may not be trustworthy, her charms have piqued your interest and you want her to give you a chance. She wants to be sure that you are the right person for her, so she won’t stop asking you questions to find out if you are really her best option. If you are wrong she will never trust you.
– Each time the questions get harder and harder.
– You will find more than 20 different questions.
– Alternate endings depending on how many questions you manage to answer.
– Open chests to unlock new content.
– Discover a secret and crucial question in the 150th question.
Not while! In love the most important thing is trust. Do you trust her?
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