Enter the enigmatic world of ASCENDANCE and experience an enchanting and peaceful journey to the sky and beyond.
ASCENDANCE is a calming, relaxing and minimalist first person 3D Platformer.
Shape your way with mysterious abilities and rise with the enchanted wind platforms beyond the skies within a world which evolves and transforms around you.
A journey which leads through different ages of our world awaits you.
+ minimalistic and low poly aesthetics with colorful and vibrant vistas
+ peaceful and playful, easy to play and progress at your own pace
+ a emotional and enchanting soundtrack will accompany you on your journey
+ smooth platforming and flying gameplay
+ hidden secrets to find
+ 3 different and visual unique Levels
+ a mysterious surprise awaits you at the end
+ even more Levels, mechanics and time mode with future updates
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Catatan: Silakan laporkan tautan yang rusak, mati, salah, atau hilang di bagian komentar, kami akan melakukan yang terbaik untuk memperbaikinya dalam waktu 48 jam. Masukan Anda sangat kami hargai!
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